Octal to Decimal Converter

Enter the octal number to convert to decimal

(Example: 243, 1055, 557, 7165, and 46)

Size: 0 bytes
Characters: 0

The Decimal Number:

Size: 0 bytes
Characters: 0

The Octal to Decimal Converter is a sophisticated web-based tool that transforms octal numbers (base-8) into their decimal (base-10) equivalents. This comprehensive guide explores the tool's features, provides detailed examples, and offers technical insights into the conversion process.

Comprehensive Examples

Basic Conversions

OctalDecimalCommon Usage
777511Full read/write/execute permissions
644420Standard file permissions
755493Directory permissions
1234668General example
77774095Maximum 4-digit octal

Advanced Examples


Technical Deep Dive

Conversion Algorithm

// Function to convert octal to decimal with comprehensive error handling
functionoctalToDecimal(octalStr) {
// Input validation
if (!octalStr ||typeof octalStr !=='string') {
throw newError('Invalid input: Must provide a string');
// Remove octal prefix if present (0o or 0)
octalStr = octalStr.replace(/^0o|^0/i, '');
// Validate octal format
if (!/^[0-7]+$/.test(octalStr)) {
throw newError('Invalid octal number');
// Convert using built-in parseInt with error handling
try {
const result = parseInt(octalStr, 8);
if (!isFinite(result)) {
throw newError('Number too large to convert');
return result;
} catch (e) {
throw newError('Conversion failed: '+ e.message);

Mathematical Process

For octal number 1234:

1234₈ = 1×8³ + 2×8² + 3×8¹ + 4×8⁰

= 1×512 + 2×64 + 3×8 + 4×1

= 512 + 128 + 24 + 4

= 668₁₀

Implementation Details

Performance Considerations

Error Handling Scenarios

InputError MessageReason
89"Invalid octal number!"Contains digits > 7
12.34"Invalid octal number!"Contains decimal point
0o9999999999999999"Number too large to convert!"Exceeds maximum value

Best Practices & Advanced Tips

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