Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter

Enter the hexadecimal number to convert to decimal

(Example: 816, 2A816, 6F16, 4B2A16, 5E, 3E8, and 1000)

Size: 0 bytes
Characters: 0

The Decimal Number:

Size: 0 bytes
Characters: 0

The Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter is a sophisticated tool that transforms hexadecimal numbers (base-16) into their decimal (base-10) equivalents. This comprehensive guide explores its features, technical details, and practical applications.

Technical Foundation

Conversion Process: The tool uses JavaScript's BigInt functionality to handle large numbers accurately. The conversion follows this process:

  1. Input validation using regex pattern /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/
  2. Prefix handling for '0x' notation
  3. BigInt conversion using BigInt('0x' + hex)
  4. String representation for display

Common Number Systems Comparison

Decimal (Base-10)Hexadecimal (Base-16)Binary (Base-2)Common Usage
00x00000Null value
150xF1111Single hex digit max
160x1010000Two hex digits start
2550xFF11111111Byte maximum
655350xFFFF111111111111111116-bit maximum

Advanced Examples

IPv6 Address Conversion:

Hex: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

Each segment is a 16-bit number (0-65535 in decimal)

2001 → 8193 0db8 → 3512 85a3 → 34211 0000 → 0 0000 → 0 8a2e → 35374 0370 → 880 7334 → 29492

Color Code Conversion:

Hex: #1E3A8A (Royal Blue)

Red: 1E → 30 Green: 3A → 58 Blue: 8A → 138

Memory Address Conversion:

Hex: 0x7FFFFFFF (32-bit max signed integer)

Decimal: 2,147,483,647

Commonly used in system programming and memory management

Error Handling Details

The tool handles several edge cases:

When working with large hexadecimal numbers (>8 digits), consider these practices:

Performance Considerations

The tool optimizes performance through:

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